Révolution Quantique : enjeux de souveraineté, champs d'applications, dynamique concurrentielle

11 participants et 4 intéressés

Amongst breakthrough technologies that could change the world as we know it, the field of quantum, in the digital space, is probably the one with the most discussed potential for impact, but also the least understood and most complex. With a very high barrier for entry, it has the potential to change geopolitical dynamics profoundly and give the powers that will master it a determining lead in the ongoing and shifting political plate tectonics.


Indeed, quantum computing is an emerging paradigm that offers significant computational advantages over classical computing by exploiting quantum-mechanical principles. It is expected to solve complex problems in various fields such as drug design, data science, clean energy, finance, and chemistry to name a few. Recent advancements in quantum hardware and software have brought quantum computing closer to reality. Decision-makers, investors, and industries need to position themselves to anticipate the forthcoming wave of quantum computing, considering its technological disruptions, applications, economic impact, and sovereignty implications.


Join the HCF and HBS Club of France to attend a debate that present the dual business and public policy perspectives from leaders in the field, Patrick Johnson, Executive Vice-President of Dassault Systèmes, and Neil AbrougHead of Quantum for Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA) and former coordinator for the Quantum Strategy France 2030 at the Secretariat General pour l’Investissement (SGPI), to explore how business can be affected by the potential developments, how it should get prepared and how the public sector needs to create the right ecosystem for France to keep its leading position in the long term. 


The event will be co-moderated by Audrène Eloit, President of the Harvard Club of France and Head of Scientific and Academic Partnerships for North-America, Europe and Asia at the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, and Benoît Raillard, President of the HBS Club of France.



Un événement en collaboration avec le Harvard Club de France. Nous sommes accueillis par Linklaters.

Table ronde en compagnie de 2 experts : Patrick Johnson et Neil Abroug

Patrick Johnson est Executive Vice-Président chez Dassault Systèmes.

Neil Abroug est responsable du domaine quantique au sein de l'INRIA. Il occupait auparavant le poste de coordinateur national de la stratégie d’accélération sur le quantique.

Thèmes principaux de la soirée :

  1. Qu'est-ce que la technologie quantique ?
  2. Quelles sont les principales applications pratiques ? (télécommunications, calcul et simulation, sécurité et cryptographie, pharmaceutique)
  3. Pourquoi les enjeux du quantique sont importants pour les acteurs privés et publics : quels sont les types de collaborations possibles ?
  4. Quels sont les principaux enjeux de souveraineté ?
  5. Comment la France se place-t-elle dans la dynamique concurrentielle internationale ?
  6. Quels sont les risques à ne pas faire la course en tête ?

Pour aller plus loin :

Episode 1 :  https://youtu.be/HZoCqyFyH_c 

Episode 2 : https://youtu.be/_QqnMl_4kJI

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35,00 €

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